A Haikyo or abandoned building from somewhere in Hokkaido, Japan
Hmm, what is this building? Is it a school or a recreation center? Let's see.
It looks like it is not being used. It's abandoned. I wonder why?
This room looks to be in really good condition. Clean, organized, tables set-up for events or meetings. But why does this building appear to be unused? Wait, what's that through the window in the other room?
What's going on in there? It looks like I can see the sky through the roof.
Uh oh. What happened here? I think I know why this building is not being used.
Look, there is a giant hole in the roof.
How did that happen? An earthquake? Too much snow? A structural deficiency?
That's one big sky light. Probably the building should be torn down. It doesn't look safe. Who is responsible for this?
These very interesting photos are from this excellent Haikyo website. Apparantly this building is from somewhere in Hokkaido.